Emacs Rocks! Episode 12: Working with HTML
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M-% query-replace
Replace some occurrences of one string with another.
C-c n cleanup-buffer
Perform a bunch of operations on the whitespace content of a buffer. Get it here.
C-s isearch-forward
Search incrementally forward. Note that mark is set at start of search on exit.
C-@ er/expand-region
Increase selection by semantic units. Get it here.
C-c C-r rename-sgml-tag
Rename the current tag (closest from point nesting-wise). Get it here
C-c DEL sgml-delete-tag
Delete the current tag along with its respective other tag.
C-h k describe-key
Describe the function bound to a given key combination.
C-x C-e eval-last-sexp
Evaluate sexp before point; print value in minibuffer.
M-x flush-lines
Delete lines after point matching a given regexp.
C-c C-e sgml-close-tag
Close the current tag.
C-x z repeat
Repeat the last command.
C-c C-j zencoding-expand-line
Interactively create HTML out of CSS-selectors. Get it here.
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