Yes, emacs does rock. And here are some episodes to prove it. Follow me on @emacsrocks for more.
- @emacsrocks ;; episode 17"magit"
- @emacsrocks ;; episode 16"dired"
- @emacsrocks ;; episode 15"restclient-mode"
- @emacsrocks ;; episode 14"Paredit"
- @emacsrocks ;; episode 13"multiple-cursors"
- @emacsrocks ;; episode 12"Working with HTML"
- @emacsrocks ;; episode 11"swank-js"
- @emacsrocks ;; episode 10"Jumping around"
- @emacsrocks ;; episode 09"expand-region"
- @emacsrocks ;; episode 08"mark-multiple"
- @emacsrocks ;; episode 07"Mind. Exploded."
- @emacsrocks ;; episode 06"Yeah! Snippets!"
- @emacsrocks ;; episode 05"Macros in style"
- @emacsrocks ;; episode 04"A rebind controversy"
- @emacsrocks ;; episode 03"A vimgolf albatross"
- @emacsrocks ;; episode 02"A vimgolf eagle"
- @emacsrocks ;; episode 01"From var to this"
Extending Emacs
Join me and @cjno in this special edition Emacs Rocks series where we extend emacs with a minor-mode for the Buster.JS testing framework.
- extending emacs ;; 01Initial commit.Tests up and running.
- extending emacs ;; 02Implemented toggle-deffered.
- extending emacs ;; 03Support hipster quotes.Create a buster minor-mode.
- extending emacs ;; 04Toggle without moving point.Autotest.Remove bogus prose.
- extending emacs ;; 05Toggle focus rocket.
- extending emacs ;; 06Run tests within Emacs.
- extending emacs ;; 07Use compile and comint.
- extending emacs ;; 08Clean up ansi mess.
What the .emacs.d!?
I've also got a blog about setting up your .emacs.d. In the spirit of Emacs Rocks! all the posts are very short and instantly useful. Check it out here
Parens of the Dead
Want to see Emacs Rocks in action? I made a new video series, making a game with Clojure. And Emacs doth rock in it. Watch Parens of the Dead